Monday, May 5, 2014

The Weight of Glory and Pianos

I’ve been thinking about Glory today.

God's glory specifically. The Bible talks about the glory of God and how awesome it is. But it also speaks of our role in it. We are called to glorify Him. To bring Him glory.
We cry out,
“Not to us, Lord, not to us
but to your name be the glory,
because of your love and faithfulness.” Psalm 115: 1

The Hebrew word for glory is Kabod and it implies weight or heaviness. 
Psalm 24:8 says
“Who is this King of glory?
    The Lord strong and mighty,
    the Lord mighty in battle.”

It is hinting at His strength and power. But do we really see the connection?
A very intangible idea, Glory, defined by something we experience everyday, weight.

How can we understand it?

I was thinking about pianos.

I have had three pianos in my home over the past few years and I can tell you that they are the definition of HEAVY. Moving a piano must first be done with respect to the size and value of the instrument. Every move must be thought through in advance. You must plan carefully what you will do in conjunction with the many others you have wisely recruited to help you move this behemoth.
 If you don’t you will pay the price.

And the chiropractor.

Then the time comes when everyone moves in concert with the agreed upon plan. They work together and the giant is relocated. The music can begin.

So, I think God's glory or the weight of His person,
His reputation,
His essence,
is also a thing to be treated with respect. 

We, as His people, must consider His greatness before we move on His behalf.

Stop and think it through. Seek His plan. Is our move in ministry His will or our impatience to get things done? Our struggle to move His hand?

We must weigh our actions and attempt to foresee the implications. If God has called us, He has a specific plan. Steps are laid out in His time and Wisdom. We must seek the strategy He has already thought through.

And we must remember to work in tandem with others in the body in order to make the most progress with the least difficulty. It may seem easier to just go and do it ourself but that is almost never His plan. He calls us “members of the Body” for a specific reason; we need each other to work His will, to His glory.

Because isn’t that what we are striving for? To bring Him glory?
To make His name great?

Come let us glorify His name together.